What happen when you change pricing on a Woocommerce Subscription plan?

WooCommerce Subscriptions is a popular plugin for creating and managing recurring payment plans for digital or physical products on a WooCommerce store. It allows store owners to offer their customers the convenience of automatic billing and the flexibility to change their subscription plan at any time. However, changing the pricing on a WooCommerce Subscription plan … Read more

Hook after subscription added to cart for Woocommerce Subscriptions

During this week I’ve been working on a special feature for one client’s store and found this useful hooks in the Woocommerce Subscriptions plugin, so I want to share what I’ve learned. If you want to do something after a subscription is added, you can use any of this four hooks: woocommerce_setup_cart_for_subscription_initial_payment woocommerce_setup_cart_for_subscription_renewal woocommerce_setup_cart_for_subscription_resubscribe woocommerce_setup_cart_for_subscription_switch … Read more

WC Subscriptions resubscribe and renewal helper functions

On Woocommerce Subscriptions there two important strategies related to subscriptions, renewals vs resubscribing. A renewal stands for a current subscription in active or on-hold status that can accept a payment to remain active or return to active. On the other side we have the resubscribe for subscriptions that are finished, on status like expired, cancelled … Read more